Groupon Booking
Groupon Booking
Groupon Booking Instructions:
1. Maximum of 3 tickets per group.
2. 1 reservation required per ticket; 2 tickets require 2 separate reservations.
3. Click on the orange button that says, "Book Now" to select your adventure, choose a date and time, and enter in your information.
4. Enter in the Groupon Voucher Code under “Have a code?” to zero out the price.
5. 12% City Tax collected at the time of booking for kayak activities, and 16% City Tax collected at the time of booking for surf activities.
6. By setting a reservation you are agreeing to our terms and conditions.
Spots are limited. Check availability before purchasing a Groupon ticket.
Why isn't my spot available?
During our summer months, people tend to book weeks or even months in advance. Our promotional spots are usually the first to be filled up.
Does it mean you're completely sold out if my spot isn't available?
Chances are we still have standard priced tickets available, and can still get you out on the water!
Can I switch the Groupon to another activity?
No, Groupon only issues a code for one specific activity.
Can I pay the difference and book for the regular activity?
Yes, after your ticket expires. Groupon tickets expire after 90 days. Once your Groupon expires, the paid value never goes away. It can still be used after it's expiration date towards any of our activities, but we can't take cash value until it is expired.
Can Everyday California refund my Groupon?
Unfortunately, we are not able to issue refunds on Groupon tickets. Groupon is a third party booking system and all refunds must be issued through them.
If you have any questions on the booking you can reach us at 858-454-6195, or read Groupon's Terms and Conditions.